WiFi Range is Very Poor. How to Improve It?

Struggling with poor wireless signal and weak network strength? You are not alone in the queue. Even with the increase in wireless router range, many obstacles still interfere in the data packets path. As a result, it limits the strength of your home wireless network.

Fortunately, there are many simple and free solutions that you can apply to fix weak WiFi range issue. Before you call it a day and cut down your pocket to call a professional, here are 4 powerful tips that help you to improve WiFi signal strength and signal.

How to Improve WiFi Signal Strength and Range?

It could be quite difficult to find the exact reason of your poor wireless network range. We have suggested four tips before calling an expert at home. However, if none of the below-mentioned DIY tips work, purchase a Linksys extender.  A simple Linksys extender setup may well solve your weak signal issues.

DIY Tip #1: Position Your Router at A Centralized Location

Here is the basic but the most important rule: every standard router has a range of about 150 feet indoors and nearly 300 feet outdoors. It’s the enough range to cover the average-sized home or apartment. But different obstacles and radio signal interferences can degrade the signal range before it blankets every corner of your home.

To reduce or eliminate the radio signal impact and to achieve the best possible signal coverage, try to place your router at the center of your home. Regardless, if you have placed your wireless router in the corner or in the basement, you may deal have to deal with weak signal strength.

DIY Tip #2: Check the Devices that Are Causing an Interference

As all wireless devices work on radio frequencies to send and receive the data, there are chances that your wireless signal might weak due to interference from the devices sending radio signals. All of the underneath listed devices cause wireless signal interference.

  • Microwave
  • Wireless audio equipment
  • Some external monitors
  • Baby monitors
  • Wireless cameras
  • RF video transmitters
  • Cordless telephones
  • Some satellite TV receivers

Depending on your situation, try to place your router and WiFi range extender away from these devices.

DIY Tip #3: Change Your Router and Existing WiFi Extender Channel

It is fully depending on your existing WiFi router and extender. If you are living in a home or dense surrounding, your wireless interference issue might raise because your neighbor’s WiFi router signals.

Changing your home wireless router and extender channel will allow you to operate your connected devices on the different frequency. Visit IP address to change the router’s channel. And extender.linksys.com web address to change the Linksys extender’s channel.

DIY Tip #4: Reset Your WiFi Router

On the off chance that you find that your remote sign and strength appears to routinely debase, resetting your WiFi router may help improve it. In the event that you’ve just discovered that resetting your switch improves availability issues, you can utilize DD-WRT to have your home WiFi router reset on a customary timetable every day.

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